Title of course: English
Course code: EN -131
Institute: ICoNM
Course coordinator: Mr. Irfan Ali Soomro
Mode of study: face to face
Duration: 18 weeks.
Campus /Location: ICoNM
Total credit hours: 2hrs.
Accredited by: DUHS
This course is designed to build students‟ conversation confidence. It provides them with speaking models that will help them in exchange of greetings, ideas, thought and feelings. It focuses on building student’s confidence to speak fluently and persuasively before an audience. It also aims at establishing the importance of presentation skills in clinical context. This course is designed to build students verbal skills by making them aware of different categories of lexical items, to make appropriate use of specified grammatical items to read and comprehend fairly complex, unfamiliar, nursing and non-nursing, authentic texts with appropriate speed and adequate understanding.
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Apply the basic rules of Modern English Grammar.
2. Realize the various functions of English Language for different situations.
3. Consolidate and extend their command of English Grammar and Vocabulary.
4. Show confidence on English spoken and written discourse.
5. Gain awareness and insight regarding importance of English as an effective tool for
communication in daily and professional life.
Course requirements, Rules & regulations:
It is mandatory for the students to have 90% attendance, to submit all the completed assignments before due date & to appear in all the CATs.
Course Assignments: Written assignments & presentations.
Evaluation Criteria
S.No | Evaluation Criteria: | |
1 | Assignment | 10% |
2 | CAT | 10% |
3 | Presentation | 10% |
4. | Midterm | 30% |
5. | Final Term | 40% |
| Total | 100% |
Learning resources:
1.Eastwood, J. (2004). Oxford practice grammar. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
2. Murphy, R. (1989). Grammar in use: Reference and practice for intermediate students of English. New York: Cambridge University Press.
3. Longman English Grammar practice by Alexander & Longman.
4. Oxford Grammar practice by John Eastwood.
- Teacher: Irfan Ali
Title of course: FON
Course code: NU 211
Institute: ICoNM
Course coordinator: Ms.Atiyyah Adeel
Duration: 18 weeks.
Campus /Location: ICoNM
Total credit hours: 4
Accredited by: DUHS
Course Description:
This course introduces the student to nursing as a professional discipline. The concept of a professional nurse is addressed through a brief overview of nursing historical development, definitions of nursing, nursing education, the practice, roles of the nurse and nurses accountability. The conceptual basis for nursing practice is presented as the relationship which exists among human needs, adoption and homeostasis, alterations in health, voluntary and involuntary processes, and nursing intervention. The position of nurses in the health care delivery system of the Country is explained through a description of its organization and administration, facilities, and personnel. International health and nursing organizations are discussed.
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
a. Describe the historical development of Health care and Nursing.
b. Describe early Nursing Leaders and their contributions to the profession of nursing.
c. Compare requirements and advantages of different Nursing Educational Programs.
d. Compare and contrast definitions of nursing by different Nursing Scholars.
e. Describe the roles of a professional nurse
f . Describe the relationship among Human needs, Adoption Homeostasis, alterations in Health, Voluntary and Involuntary processes, and nursing intervention.
g. Explain the content and purposes of Code of Ethics, and Standards of Nursing practice.
h. Discuss the purposes and activities of the World Health Organization and the International Council of Nurses.
Teaching/Learning Strategies:
Lecture, discussion, role play, group work, group presentation, demonstration video and return demonstration
Evaluation Criteria:
Mid Term | 30% |
Quiz Presentation | 10% 10% |
Skill Performance (OSPE) Final Exam | 10 40% |
Total | 100% |
- Teacher: Attiya Adeel
- Teacher: imtiaz ali