The Basics of Pediatric Oncology Nursing course covers essential topics in caring for children with cancer. Participants gain a comprehensive understanding of pediatric cancers, chemotherapy administration, central and peripheral venous access management, infection control, pain assessment and management, nutritional support, patient and family education, palliative care, and spiritual care. This course equips nurses with the knowledge and skills needed to provide optimal care for pediatric oncology patients and support their families throughout the treatment journey.

The Chemotherapy Safe Handling and Administration Course provides nurses with the knowledge and skills to safely and effectively administer chemotherapy. Topics covered include chemotherapy overview, agent classification, toxicity and symptom management, hazardous drug handling, extravasation management, supportive care, and hazardous spill/waste management. Completion of the course ensures a comprehensive understanding of chemotherapy administration, enabling nurses to assess and manage side effects and handle drugs safely. Certification enhances patient care and safety, contributing to the quality of cancer care.

The Physician's Guide to Basics of Pediatric Oncology is a comprehensive course that equips physicians with the knowledge and skills to effectively diagnose and manage common pediatric oncology conditions. It covers topics such as cervical adenopathy, mediastinal mass, hyperleukocytosis, abdominal mass, headache/vomiting, leukocoria/proptosis, suspected leukemia, paraplegia, bone pain, febrile neutropenia, pain management, blood transfusion guidelines and reactions, nutrition and mucositis, and breaking bad news. Through lectures, case studies, and interactive discussions, participants gain a solid understanding of evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and supportive care for these conditions. The course also addresses important areas like pain management, blood transfusions, nutrition challenges, and communication skills for delivering bad news. Overall, this course provides physicians with essential knowledge to confidently care for pediatric oncology patients.