Aptitude test for Diploma in Hospital Infection Prevention & Control
One year Certificate program will prepare healthcare professionals to
lead and implement a comprehensive infection prevention and control
strategies in integrated healthcare facilities.
For more information
T: +92 32 3511 2709-17 Ext. 2299, 2370,2304
E: infection.control@tih.org.pk
Course Organizers
Ms.Arifa Khatoon
Manager Infection Control
Email: Arifa.khatoon@tih.org.pk
Ms.Shabnam Bilal
Deputy Manager,Infection control
E-mail: Shabnam.Bilal@tih.org.pk
Mr.Farhan Zaffar
Program Coordinator,Infection control educational activities
E-mail: farhan.zaffar@tih.org.pk
Ms. Falak Noor
E-learning Coordinator,Health Informatics
- Teacher: Arifa Khatoon